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After You're Gone просмотров: 17147+1

Исполнитель: Blindside Альбом: About A Burning Fire Дорожка: 9
Язык: Английский

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I could not lie
Skin untouched growing thicker for every step unwalked
And I don't know if it's the cold intention-slide
Taking me down

But what if you'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
'Cause I'm just a stone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone

I could not lie
Even though dead skin like stone makes me ugly
It still pounds inside and it's red
And it's slipping through the grey cracks
And I know you know

But what if you'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
'Cause I'm just a stone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone

But what if you'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
Cause I'm just a stone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone

But what if you'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
'Cause I'm just a stone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone
Right after you're gone

The first thing that meets the eye
When I crossover into the light
I want it to be
Right after I'm gone
Right after I'm gone
Right after I'm gone

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