Broken Heart
просмотров: 18542+1
In this moment synchronized inside, words that paint a legacy of life A different picture will unfold, a healing finds it's way through Sifted times I take another breath, with an ambience of nothing left So heal my heart rain down your love these waters bring me back to life Chorus Father, healer deliver me from broken love Stay hear, closer let me hear your voice of love There's a healing calling from the wind, there's a healer waiting to begin In timeless places, traced and faceless will I learn to let go Take me to the heights where love controls, far away from home but feels so close This empty heart of mine will fall inside and bring me back to life You can hold, you can mend You can heal, you can brake I hold cause something etched this way Chorus Father, healer deliver me form broken love Stay hear, closer let me hear your voice of love Savior, Redeemer bring me to this place of peace Jesus, garden my broken heart is so in need

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